The Company's main objective is to supply top quality products and meet the customers’ expectations.
For this reason, the quality management system has been certified in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 in an effort to optimize the production fixed costs and guarantee at the same time stable quality and flawless services.
Quality Management System
The quality management system involves all core competencies for their respective areas and is based on the following principles:
Staff experience and professionalism.
Technical and organizational resources at the operators’ disposal to monitor the different processes.
Efficient communication between the different competencies.
The company policy.
Objectives set up by the Management.
The product approvals.
The requirements of the strategical customers and all involved parts.
The security regulation currently in force.
Details of some technical analysis, periodically carried out in compliance with the Approvals’ requirements (pressure test, water-hammer, burst, pull test, static and dynamic tests).
Burst test
Consists in a steady pressure increase till hose burst in accordance with the test parameters of the International Regulations to ensure the water tightness.
Water temperature inside the hose 90°C
Test chamber temperature 90°C
Initial operating pressure 15 bar
Water hammer test
This important test simulates the solicitations the hose will undergo in its lifetime applying variable impulses from 5 to 50 bar with numerous pressure variations reproducing the turning on/turning off of the faucet.
The hose withstands 30 impulses per minute after a series of 1000 solicitations with water at 90°C.
Pull test
This test enables to verify the correct crimping and tightness of both hose fittings. The company peculiarity is represented by the accurate control of raw materials and the close supervision of the entire manufacturing process to guarantee reliability in the long term.